Mthimkhulu Village Centre

This is a programme of the Grail Centre Trust where we aim to give expression to core Grail values in a local community setting.
Vision Statement
Enabling holistically healthy, connected and empowered communities
Mission Statement Mthimkhulu Community Development (MCD)
MCD helps to empower communities in the Overberg District Municipality and other rural areas in a just, sustainable and holistic way. We do this by providing services, primarily aimed at women, children, young people and the elderly, that addresses
- Health: of the body, mind, heart and soul and environmental sustainability
- Learning: early childhood development and school support for children and skills for life and job skills and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people and adults
- Connecting and Collaborating: networks and events within and between communities and the world. In this way we aim to enable holistic community wellbeing, economic development, overall improvement in quality of life and ultimately, self-reliance
Where do we work?
Mthimkhulu Community Development operates from the Mthimkhulu Village Centre which is a campus stretching over a few acres of prime land in Kleinmond. The site is wholly owned by the Grail Centre Trust. The campus has the following hard infrastructure:
- Administration Block
- Seven classrooms
- A computer room with 28 functioning computers
- A catering kitchen
- An ECD Centre
- A community food garden
- An Amphitheatre
- 2 Large workshops
Mthimkhulu offers its Community Development Programme within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations:
The Grail Centre Trust is registered as follows:
Trust No: IT/1981/2004
NPO No: 035-076
PBO No: 930021088
VAT Reg. No: 42001931
B-BBEE Status: Level 2
The most recent employment report shows that South Africa has an unemployment rate of 42%. The alarming rise in unemployment is has been a feature in our country for many years due to a stagnant economy that, even when it was growing, did not create jobs at scale. South Africa’s current youth unemployment crisis also pre-dates Covid-19, but with the impact of Covid-19 the problem has been exacerbated even further. Currently young people represent 75% of the 42% unemployment rate. For this reason, our training programme is designed to face our youth unemployment problem head on.
We run a Job Readiness Centre for young people to enhance their chances of landing a job. We aim for young jobseekers to have professional presented CVs, compelling covering letters, the ability to conduct themselves confidently and articulately in an interview, whilst presenting themselves with the appropriate dress code and attitude.
Services offered at the Job Centre:
- CV preparation and printing
- Job Search opportunities online
- Job interview skills mentorship
- Computer literacy
- Social Media Etiquette
- Life-skills / soft-skills
Skills training:
We offer various non-accredited short skills courses aimed at young people between the ages of 14-35. The focus is on young people who are not in education, not in employment and not in formal training. We have a multi-year partnership with the Department of Social Development to engage 200 youths in this programme annually.
We also work in partnership with the Catholic Institute of Education’s Thabiso Skills programme as well. Young people in the Overstrand and Theewaterskloof Municipal areas are encouraged to register on our database so that they can benefit from this programme.
SAQA Accredited Skills Training:
Mthimkhulu has a number of partnerships with accredited TVET entities to provide longer, accredited skills programmes and learnerships. Young people are encouraged to follow us on Face Book for when courses are announced and recruitment processes are underway.
Recruitment Service for local companies:
Local companies that have work opportunities for community members, please contact us to assist in the recruitment of suitably trained and motivated people to join your staff as contract workers, permanent staff or casual workers.
We believe that community prosperity starts with community health and wellbeing. Hence our approach to community health is holistic and also encompasses how highly the Grail movement values spiritual wellbeing that includes all expressions of spirituality. We also emphasise our deep connection and dependence on a healthy ecology, and living in harmony with nature.
Community Health Service in partnership with the Department of Health
We are extremely proud of our community health team which consists of 10 local, trained community health workers who work under the supervision our professional nurse as their nursing supervisor. This intrepid team forms part of the frontline workers in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and other diseases prevalent in South Africa.
The purpose of the community health programme is to provide health education and prevention services in the community so that we can decrease the burden of preventable diseases on the national fiscus through quality information, preventative screening and early intervention for chronic illnesses.
The health workers visit hundreds of homes per month and retrieve important data that can be used in planning and improving health services and policy frameworks for health in our country.
Mthimkhulu would like to expand our service offerings to the local community through offering homebased care services for the elderly, and those living with severe chronic illness and disabilities. We would also like to provide family counselling services to combat gender-based violence, addiction counselling and referrals to combat some of the social ills that continue to blight our communities.
Education outcomes in South Africa are very poor. This was verified in a shocking 2019 report presented to the IMF titled: Struggling to Make the Grade: A review of the Causes and Consequences of the Weak Outcomes of South Africa’s Education System. The report showed that while access to basic education is almost universal only 55% of children entering grade 1 actually made it through high school. A further shocking revelation in the report was that 78% of grade 4 learners could not meaningfully read in any language. The performance in mathematics and science is similarly alarming. The damning report concludes: “As a result of low quality in education, South Africa ranks 127th out of 157 countries in the world in the IMFs Human Capital Index.”
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a further devastating impact on Education as schools were shut down during the hard lockdown. Currently not all children are attending school every day. The Early Childhood Development sector has been hit even harder and ECD many centres have been forced to close despite the fact that early childhood development is essential in ensuring that our young children are ready to face the rigours of formal education.
Mthimkhulu Smartkids is our Early Childhood Development Centre. It is registered to accommodate 42 young children between the ages of 2-5. With Covid social distancing requirements, we can accommodate 22 children. However, Covid-19 has resulted in large scale job losses and mothers have lost their jobs are now keeping their young children at home. This means that our children are losing out on the benefits of quality early childhood care which does not just offer nurturing love, care and nutrition, but also the cognitive stimulation that young children need to thrive. For this reason, we are taking Mthimkhulu Smartkids into the community. We aim to train community members to run weekly “in-community” playgroups for young children. We will set up a community ECD Resource Centre to provide support for these playgroups so that all our young children can benefit from opportunities to grow and learn, in spite of not attending a formal ECD.
Mthimkhulu Community Development has partnerships with KidsCan and the Kogelberg Learning Centre which in provides after school learning support to primary and high school learners.
We provide career guidance and support to matriculants who wish to apply to university or colleges offering vocational training.
Mthimkhulu Village Centre was set up as an environmentally friendly centre. To this end, with the support of many partners we were able to install solar panels to reduce our dependence on the grid as well as install numerous water tanks and a borehole to supplement our water usage. We also installed a biodigester for clean energy to power the kitchen.
We have a community food garden which was established with the support of the Kogelberg Biosphere and today we have a partnership with Shoprite and Food and Trees for Africa for our permaculture food garden.
We have plans to expand the food garden with the introduction of an aquaponics project.
Click on the relevant reports to read our reports to society.
How you can support Mthimkhulu Community Development
You can make a donation directly into our bank account and you can indicate which of the above programmes you wish to support. All donations will be acknowledged by the thank you letter and receipt.
You can provide in-kind support by donating any of the following:
- Non-perishable foodstuffs
- Educational materials
- Office furniture
- Crockery and cutlery for our kitchen
- Kitchen utensils suitable for a catering kitchen
You can also volunteer to work in our food garden or in any of the projects.
We welcome all the support you can give us.
Bank account details for monetary donations
Name of Bank: ABSA
Name of Account: The Grail Centre Trust – Mthimkhulu Community Development
Account No: 405191952
Branch Code: 632005
Please use your initials and surname as a reference. In accordance with the POPI Act your personal details will be used only for receipting and for sending you a thank you letter.
The Grail Centre Trust is in good standing with the NPO Directorate and SARS. It maintains the highest levels of financial accountability and probity.
Contact Us
Call Us
Visit Us At
Mthimkhulu Village Centre 9th Avenue Kleinmond 7195
GPS Coordinates: -34.33942, 19.012643